Its Causes, Purposes, and Probable Results

Burgess — The Euopean War of 1914


p. 203—209

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The Occasions of the War
The Proximate Causes of the War
The Underlying Causes of the War
American Interests in the Outcome of the War
The Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Crime at Sarajevo
Belgian Neutrality
The Export of Arms and Munitions to Belligerents
The German Emperor




    Adams, Charles Francis, in Great Britain, 127-133, 189-191.
    Administrative Law of England, The, 108.
    Algeciras Congress, 64, 72-74.
    Alsace-Lorraine, reclaimed by Germany, 49; helped by Germany, 50.
    American, people deceived in regard to Germany, 109; interests in the outcome of the European war, 113-154; trade and German merchant marine, 143, 144; ships destroyed by Great Britain, 122-132; navy, 125, 126.
    Arms and munitions, export of to belligerents, 179-188.
    Austro-Hungarian empire, plots against, 5-11; and the Sarajevo crime, 4-17, 155-166; and the Franco-German war, 47.
    Austria-Hungary, rulers and government, 155-166; union estates, 158-166; political system, 160-166.

    Balkans, and Russian designs, 2; war with Turkey, 13.
    Balkan League, formed, 76; attacks Turkey, 76, 77.
    Beaconsfield, Lord, in the Congress at Berlin, 52.
    Beecher, Henry Ward, sent to England by Mr. Lincoln, 191.
    Belgium, its neutrality, and invasion, 38-41; and the treaty of 1839, 48; land-grabbing, 97; neutrality of, 167-178; separates from Holland, 168; quintuple treaty, 168; a world power, 170, 171; invasion by Germany, 172; dealings with Great Britain, 172, 173; and the British White Paper, 172-176; German view of the invasion, 172, 173.
    Bismarck, in the Congress at Berlin, 52; and


Russo-German neutrality, 52; forms alliance with Austria-Hungary, 53; and the Consolidation of the German empire, S3; acquires Helgoland, 54.
    Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Turkey, 70, 71.
    British Government, 89-92.
    British White Paper, 1-44; and the invasion of Belgium, 172-176.
    Bryson, Charles R., refuses to fill orders for munitions of war, 184, 185.
    Bulgaria, repudiates rule of Sultan, 70.

    Canada and the United States, 149, 154; relations with Great Britain, 150-154.
    Civil War, assistance given by Germans to the North, 117-122.
    Colonial dominion, Great Britain's, 85-90, 110, 111; Germany's, 97, 98; British system of, 142.
    Constantinople, and Russia, in 1879, 51, 52, 66; and the Balkan war, 77.
    Czar of Russia and Triple Entente, 67.

    Destiny, and world progress, 81, 83, 93, 109.
    Dreadnaughts, England's, 90.
    Diplomatic papers analyzed, 3, 4.

    Economic system, 84-90.
    Education of Henry Adams, The, 189.
    Edward VII, 59, 67, 71.
    Egypt and Great Britain, 63.
    England, and Germany's commercial growth, 2; mobilizes fleet, 33; and the neutrality of Belgium, 36-40, 42; army mobilizes, 44; opposes France, 45, 47; jealous of Germany, 54; appropriates new territory, 56; and its ducal estates, 84-88.
    Evarts, William M., sent to England by Mr. Lincoln, 191.
    Export of arms and munitions to belligerents, 179-188.

    Fallieres, President, 67.
    Fisheries award, 139, 140.


    France, and Alsace-Lorraine, 2; the leading state of Europe, 45; 1870 war with Germany, 46, 49; makes treaty with Russia, 55; appropriates territory, 56; and Morocco, 63, 64, 72, 73; land-grabbing, 97.
    Francis Joseph, Emperor, life and influence, 159.
    Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71, 46.
    Free trade, England and, 87-89.

    Geneva tribunal, 138.
    German empire, its formation, 45, 48, 50, 53.
    Germany and the Austro-Servian trouble, 14-44; and the neutrality of Belgium, 36, 37, 38; Faces war with three powers, 40; reforms in Alsace-Lorraine, 50, 51; and colonial expansion, 53, 54; supports Russia in Asia, 55; development in manufacture and commerce, 56; limited colonial possessions, 56; opens trade with Turkey, 57, 58; and Bagdad railroad, 57; growth of navy, 57; and the Morocco question, 63, 64; defeats Entente plans, 71; interferes to save Turkey, 78; prepares for emergency, 79, 80; economic and political systems, 93-99; agriculture, 94, 95; commerce, 97; militarism, 100-104; communal and local government, 104, 105; and von Treitschke, 106, 107; and Wagner, 106; and Lasker, 107; and von Gneist, 107, 108; system of national states, 111; Emperor William 139; his life and character, 189-200; merchant marine, value to United States, 143, 144; as a governmental organization, 145-148; support to United States in war crises, 113-122; and treaties with Belgium, 168-178; probabilities of success in the war, 185, 186; war strength, 186; German loyalty to country, 144, 196.
    German confederation, its disrupture, 45.


    Gneist, von, Rudolf, 107, 108.
    Grant, Ulysses, on the claims against Great Britain, 134-137; on the German government, 145, 146.
    Great Britain, and Germany's trade with Turkey, 58, 59; and Russian activity in Asia, 59; fears Russian advance, 60; plans growth of empire in the East, 60, 61, 66; offers alliance with Germany and Japan, 62; treaty with Japan, 62; and Egypt, 63; and Morocco, 63, 64; opposes Russian plans in the East, 65, 66, backs France in Morocco, 73, 74; exclusive rights in Egypt, 74; efforts to weaken the Triple Alliance, 75, 76; jealous of German trade and navy, 80; encourages Servia to resist Austria, 81; and France to support Russia, 81; supports France, 81; dependent on colonies, 85-90; economic system, 85-90; government, 90-94; land-grabbing, 97; navalism, endangers America and United States, 122-133; and the United States war claims, 134-141; destroys American merchant marine, 141; and German commerce, 141; its government, 164, 165; and the neutrality and invasion of Belgium, 168-178.
    Grey, Sir Edward, 1, 12, 14, 15; and the Austro-Hungarian empire and Servia, 13-44; and the beginning of the war, 41-44, 173-176.

    Hapsburg family, history and character, 155-166.
    Helgoland, acquired by Germany, 54.
    Hungary, relation to Austria, 161, 162.

    India and the Russian advance, 60.
    Italy and the Triple Alliance, 12; and Tripoli, 12; opposes France, 46, 47; joins the Triple Alliance, 53; occupies Tripoli, 75.

    Japan inimical to Germany, 55, 56.


    Kiao-chow, Germany in China, 56.
    Kreis-ordnung, 104, 105.

    Lasker, Edward, 107.
    Lincoln, Abraham, British view of during the Civil War, 128, 129, 189-181.

    MacDonald, J. Ramsey, denounces Lord Grey, 43.
    Manufacture and commerce, of Germany, 95, 96.
    Mason and Slidell, 129, 130.
    Mensdorff, Count, 14, 15.
    Mexico, and the Huerta government, 10.
    Militarism, German, 100-104; assistance given by to the United States, 1113- 122.
    Monroe Doctrine, 148-154.
    Morocco, 63, 64, 72, 73.

    Narodna Odbrana society, 5.
    Navalism, British, 113; destroys American shipping, 122-141.
    Neutral governments, and export of munitions of war, 179-188.
    Norman, C. H,, and Lord Grey, 44.
    North, cause of in Civil War would have failed without German support, 121.
    Northwest Boundary question, 138.

    Occasions of the war of 1914, 1-44.

    Panther, The, sent to Agadir, 73.
    Proximate causes of the war, 45-81.

    Revolutionary war, assistance given by Germans to American side, 114-116.
    Russia, and the Balkans, 2; and the Austro-Hungarian-Servian question, 16-44; mobilizes her troops, 31, 32; crosses German frontier, 34; and the Franco-German war, 46; war with Turkey, 51, 52; turns from Germany to France, 52; treaty with France, 55; obtains Port Arthur, 56; moves against Turkey, 1913, 77-79; and the French army increase,


79; economic and political systems, 92; land-grabbing, 97; perils Europe, 101; plans against Turkey, 101; danger in her dominance, 143.

    San Stefano, treaty of, 52.
    Sarajevo crime, 4, 13, 80, 81; and the Austro-Hungarian empire, 155-166.
    Sazonof and the Entente, 27, 28.
    Self Government in England, 108.
    Servia and the Sarajevo crime, 4-14.
    Seward, Secretary, British view of during Civil War, 190.
    Southern Confederacy, supported by Great Britain, 126-132.
    Steuben, Baron von, service to America in the Revolution, 115, 116.

    "Three Emperor Alliance," 51.
    Treaty of Washington, 137.
    Treitschkc, von, Heinrich, 105, 106.
    Trent afifair, 129, 130.
    Triple Alliance, formed, 53; and Italy, 12; and Triple Entente, 13.
    Triple Entente, 3, 12, 67.
    Tripoli, and the Italian expedition, 12; occupied by Italy, 75.
    Turkey, saved by Congress at Berlin, 52; and German trade, 57, 58.

    Underlying causes of the war, 82-112.
    United States, and Huerta, 10; public opinion in about the war, 177-178; and the export of arms and munitions of war, 179-188; and the "Monroe Doctrine," 148-154; and Canada, 149-154; delusion in regard to the German Emperor, 191.

    Wagner, Adolf, 106.
    War, occasions of the European, 1-44; proximate causes of the, 45-81; underlying causes of the European, 82-112.
    Washington, George, his bodyguard of Germans, 115.


    Weed, Thurlow, sent to England by Mr. Lincoln, 191.
    William, Emperor, 107; decides boundary question in favor of United States, 139; the man and emperor, 189-200; friendship for United States, 200, 201.

    Young Turk revolution, 68.

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